
Program Description
Academic Recognition Night An award ceremony for graduating 8th graders. Students who have maintained honor roll status or high honor roll status during middle school. Students who have maintained honor roll status or high honor roll status for the first three quarters of 8th grade (but not previous years) are awarded as well.
Book Fair The PTA coordinates and staffs Scholastic book fairs at three schools. Funds go directly to the schools.
Box Tops 4 Education box tops program
Clothing Donation Bins Our PTA has two yellow bins at the Windham Transfer Station exit for clothing and other items. A portion of the proceeds goes back to Windham PTA.
Community Education The PTA coordinates educational programs for adults in the community. These may include guest speakers and programs on parenting issues, children and nutrition, college planning, parent/teacher communication, and child safety.
Community Events The PTA coordinates or participates in  events throughout the year; ie: Harvest Fest, Electronics Recycling Drive, Strawberry Festival Dunk Tank, School Board Candidates’ Night.
Ice Cream Socials Ice cream socials at Windham Center School & Golden Brook schools.
Neighborhood Partners Program The Neighborhood Partners Program is a campaign to join with local businesses to support education in Windham by offering discounts to card carrying PTA members.
Presentations The PTA coordinates presentation programs which are presented at each school on various topics.
Reflections National PTA Reflections welcomes all grades and abilities to explore and be involved in the arts. Annually thousands of students will reflect on a common theme and create original works of art in the categories of: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts.
Scholarships The PTA provides a $500 Community Service Scholarship to a graduating senior
Staff Appreciation The National PTA has encouraged all citizens to show their appreciation to teachers during the annual National PTA Teacher Appreciation Week. Teacher appreciation week is held each Spring at all four schools. Teachers and staff are recognized by the students and parents for their outstanding dedication.
Teacher Conference Dinners The PTA coordinates dinners for teachers during parent teacher conferences.
Volunteer Program The PTA coordinates outstanding volunteer programs at all four of our schools. ALL Windham Schools have been recipients of the Blue Ribbon Award (thousands of volunteer hours at each school) for Excellence in Volunteerism from the New Hampshire Partners in Education for many years.
Windham High School Last Night: The PTA donates $500 to the “Last Night” fundraiser for our graduating seniors annually.